Is 2013 half gone already? We can hardly believe it. Thankfully the last six months have been highly productive for the LEI team. As you can see we have made some updates to our website and we hope that you will find them more aesthetically pleasing and easier to navigate. Since our last update we have continued improving our current projects and even added two new ones!
LEI has recently partnered with Living Positive Kenya to enhance the Day Care Center supporting more than 120 children living in Ngong’s largest slum. The facilities at the moment are subpar and not conducive to healthy play time nor learning. LEI’s goal is to help provide a new class room for the Day Care Center and help maintain a positive physical environment for the children to grow in. We are pleased to say we have also helped initiate a project to rehabilitate a group of about 20 Street Boys in the slum of Mathare. Through informal education, mentoring, sports and music therapy our hopes are to eventually reintegrate the boys back into the proper education system.
In the last two months LEI team member Portia has returned to Kenya to monitor and work with our current projects, and LEI Director Ben has returned home temporarily to fund raise for our newest projects and visit his family and friends before making a quick return back to Ngong before the end of August.
While our organization continues to grow we promise to maintain better attentiveness to our blog and our Facebook page alike. If you haven’t already liked our page please do so to receive frequent updates of our projects and photos of (not that we are biased) some of the sweetest kids in Kenya!
LEI has recently partnered with Living Positive Kenya to enhance the Day Care Center supporting more than 120 children living in Ngong’s largest slum. The facilities at the moment are subpar and not conducive to healthy play time nor learning. LEI’s goal is to help provide a new class room for the Day Care Center and help maintain a positive physical environment for the children to grow in. We are pleased to say we have also helped initiate a project to rehabilitate a group of about 20 Street Boys in the slum of Mathare. Through informal education, mentoring, sports and music therapy our hopes are to eventually reintegrate the boys back into the proper education system.
In the last two months LEI team member Portia has returned to Kenya to monitor and work with our current projects, and LEI Director Ben has returned home temporarily to fund raise for our newest projects and visit his family and friends before making a quick return back to Ngong before the end of August.
While our organization continues to grow we promise to maintain better attentiveness to our blog and our Facebook page alike. If you haven’t already liked our page please do so to receive frequent updates of our projects and photos of (not that we are biased) some of the sweetest kids in Kenya!