We are still making a lot of improvements at Faraja Children’s Home! The newly painted walls, both inside and outside, make the home brighter, friendlier, and more child-friendly. The kids love the new look. Last week we completed the gutter system on the home and purchased two new five thousand liter tanks that have been placed on both sides of the home. After a week of rain the tanks should fill completely providing the home with free water! The dining area (mentioned in the previous post) is nearly finished, meaning the kids will soon have a table to eat at rather than sitting on the ground during mealtime. This week we are also reforming the bumpy rocky yard by leveling the front and back as well as planting new grass.
Thanks to all of your contributions and support, we are now able to provide the children with things they desperately need, but could not previously afford. One of the children, Nancy, has been suffering from severe hearing problems for many months, and was prescribed hearing aids in both ears. Ten months ago, Momma Moraa couldn’t possibly have imagined being able to afford such expensive equipment. However, as of this week Nancy has been equipped with hearing aids and they have been quite the success. Her excitement with the equipment has been a joy to watch and, with the ability to hear, she is making rapid improvements in school! |
One of the things we are most proud of is how well the children are eating these days. With the new menu in place the children are receiving a proper diet which has helped to ensure the children are getting all their essential vitamins and nutrients. Previously the home lacked funds for a balanced diet causing the children to eat rice and beans nearly every day. Now, they enjoy three balanced meals a day; meat twice a week, fish once a week, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables. Since we created this new menu, we have noticed a significant improvement in the children's health, attitudes, and performance in school.

The photo on the left is of the bathroom, and next to it, the new outdoor kitchen and dining area. You can also see one of the two 5,000 liter tanks attached to the newly repaired gutters. As it is now the rainy season, we are receiving plenty of free water!
As a special treat to the children, and in conjunction with our goal of making the home more child-friendly, we have recently constructed a swing set and slide. The children are thrilled about this new addition and we feel it is well deserved. We will post photos of these new additions very soon!
As a special treat to the children, and in conjunction with our goal of making the home more child-friendly, we have recently constructed a swing set and slide. The children are thrilled about this new addition and we feel it is well deserved. We will post photos of these new additions very soon!