Is it March already? Where does the time go?! We are happy to say that the LEI team has returned to Kenya and has some new announcements regarding our projects! After a short delay, construction of the new classroom at the Living Positive Kenya Daycare Center started in early March. The new classroom will provide adequate space for the 120+ children that attend the school, and the four new toilets that are also being built will improve the sanitation conditions. We are very happy and proud to have contributed to the funding of this project. Construction is expected to finish by the end of this month. We’ve kept consistent documentation of the progress in pictures and we’d love it if you followed along! |

We are still working towards finding sponsors for all of the 40+ children at Faraja Children’s Home. We are most urgently searching for sponsors for the six children attending high school, as their school fees are no longer subsidized by the government. If you are interested in learning more about the sponsorship program please contact us at [email protected].
As we continue working within the slum community with the street boys and the LPK Daycare, we often come across families and children with very tragic and heartbreaking stories of poverty and their daily struggles to survive in Kenya. Sometime a particular child or story stands out to us and we feel the need to help in someway.
Recently a mother came to us while in class with the street boys and asked if we would be willing to accept her seven year old son, Paul, into our class. Due to the death of Paul’s father and her poor health, Paul’s mother was unable to continue paying for his school fees. Her thought was that at least he would be in some kind of school while she struggled to find the money for his fees for the next school term. We felt that the class for the street boys was not the most adequate place for Paul, so we asked his mother how much money she needed for his school fees; we were shocked to hear it was only $15. |